B. inggris Sekolah Menengah Atas A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past tense or past continuous tense!
6. I(feed) the cat when my mother (call) me.
7. Last December, while you (climb) up the mountain, I (lie) on the beach in Bali.
8. At seven o'clock yesterday, she (repair) the watch
9. The children (run) and (jump) when the bell (ring).
10. When I(open) the door Tom (play) game.​

A. Put the verbs in brackets into Past tense or past continuous tense!
6. I(feed) the cat when my mother (call) me.
7. Last December, while you (climb) up the mountain, I (lie) on the beach in Bali.
8. At seven o'clock yesterday, she (repair) the watch
9. The children (run) and (jump) when the bell (ring).
10. When I(open) the door Tom (play) game.​


1. (fed) (called)

2. (climbed) (layed)

3. (repaired)

4. (ran) (jumped)

5. (opened) (was playing)